Change Education

Organizations go through change all the time, and this could be changes in
- Technology and Innovation introduced to the company
- Management changes
- System changes
- Mergers and acquisitions
- New Projects
When an organization is going through any kind of change, it is important to engage staff and manage their expectations and what they think of the changes implemented.
We will assist with ensuring that the teams feel that they are part of the new change and they understand what it will mean to them, thus understanding the importance of getting everyone involved and committed to the change.
When an organisation undergoes change, it forces everyone in the organisation to also change. Most people become despondent and blame the company and become resistant to adopting the new ways of doing things.
I Get It now helps you to change yourself first, because “ when you change how you look at things, the things you look at change” Dr Wayne Dyer.
When you change, and the organisation changes, you adapt easier, because you will feel empowered to create your own conditions for you to thrive amidst that change.
Many people in organisations get stuck in how they are doing things.

How We Do It.
- Team engagement
- Acknowledgements
- Training
- Implementation
- Alignment and preparing your team to change
- Align personal goals with the organisation goals
- Realise how the change serves work and personal values
- There is nothing to fear, it’s only an opportunity for growth.
What You Will Get From Us.
- An organisation that feels that they are part of the new change and they understand what it will mean to them.
- Individuals that easily adapt & embrace change.
- An organisation that’s not a victim of change but a master of change.
- Effective and clear communication from one employee to another and from company to employee and vice-versa.
- A team that is well eqquiped with organisational skills.
- Highly Improved individual productivity and wellbeing.
- Confident organisation that communicate and collaborate across all departments.
- Individuals that achieve personal goals by fulfilling the company goals.
- Employees that understand and are aligned with the company’s values.